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Quick Start to OpenSIPS Training 3.2
Quick Start to OpenSIPS 3.2
Introduction to SIP (12:23)
SIP Call Flow (11:14)
SIP headers and body (9:30)
SIP headers and URIs in action (12:44)
SIP Registrations (9:05)
SIP transactions and timers (13:32)
SIP dialogs (9:43)
Quiz 1: SIP
Section 2: Introduction to OpenSIPS
What is OpenSIPS (8:32)
OpenSIPS Usage Cases (4:40)
OpenSIPS architecture (15:40)
Quiz 2: Introduction to OpenSIPS
OpenSIPS 3.1/3.2 Installation and configuration on Debian 10
OpenSIPS 3.1/3.2 Installation Instructions
OpenSIPS 3.1 Installation (6:15)
Configure OpenSIPS Command Line Interface
OpenSIPS Database Support (MySQL)
Install sngrep for easy SIP packet capturing
CLI, Database and SNGREP Installation (8:45)
OpenSIPS Control Panel Instructions
OpenSIPS Control Panel Installation (5:17)
OpenSIPS script generation Instructions
Generating a script for OpenSIPS (13:24)
Making the first call between two phones and OpenSIPS (7:01)
Domains and Aliases (6:59)
Sendind a call to the PSTN (8:08)
Troubleshooting the OpenSIPS script
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(Older version) OpenSIPS 2.4 installation on Ubuntu 18
OpenSIPS 2.4 Installation (8:52)
OpenSIPS Installation Instructions
OpenSIPS Database Support (6:08)
OpenSIPS Control Panel Installation (5:17)
OpenSIPS Basic scenario with two phones (3:52)
Sending a call to the PSTN (7:01)
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Section 5: Extras
Debian 10 Buster Installation (8:30)
Section 6: Bonus Section
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Sendind a call to the PSTN
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